TIP TUESDAY : Time idioms

23 Out 2018       ILC Batalha

Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends this Sunday, 28th October at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour!

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To remember which way to set your clocks, remember the expression, ‘Spring forward - Fall back’. This expression is meant to trigger your memory to set your clocks forward 1 hour in the spring at the start of DST, and 1 hour back in the fall when DST ends. In North America, it is common to use the word fall to denote the season, while other English-speaking countries usually call it autumn. “Spring Forward – Fall Back” is therefore a phrase most often heard in the USA and Canada.


To celebrate your extra hour of sleep on Sunday, here are more expressions related to ‘time’. Have you ever used any of them? If so, let us know in your comments below.


Credit: http://Kaplan.do/illustrations; Photo by Michael Jin on Unsplash


#tiptuesday #idioms #idiomaticexpressions #time #timechange

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