TIP TUESDAY : 6 Phrasal verbs related to 'FIRE'

06 Nov 2018       ILC Batalha

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in the United Kingdom.

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On this day, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill King James I but failed. To help you talk about this fiery holiday, here are 6 phrasal verb definitions related to 'fire'.

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6 phrasal verbs related to ‘FIRE’


1. Fire away (at someone)


Meaning: Ask questions

Example: What do you want to know? FIRE AWAY and I'll tell you.


2. Fire off


Meaning: Send quickly, angrily or many (letter, emails, etc)

Example: He FIRED OFF an email complaining about the report.


3. Fire off


Meaning: Shoot, fire a gun (usually repeatedly)

Example: The police FIRED OFF several rounds and killed the man.


4. Fire back


Meaning: to answer a question or remark quickly and in an angry way

Example: The government has FIRED BACK at those who oppose them.


5. Fire up


Meaning: Start a computer, to light something

Example: She FIRED UP the computer and printed out a hard copy of the files.


6. Fire up


Meaning: Excite, to motivate someone

Example: Everyone was FIRED UP and desperate to get it finished in time.

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Credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


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